среда, 1 января 2020 г.


What do you want with D10??? DVD Recording Tests Your problem is just a matter of the software you are using. Thursday, January 24, 6: Windows Vista IT Pro. No one seems to know why this is only present on 64 bit Vista with this drive:

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Register a Product Support Home. If you need the real media codec to play some RM videos, then you can install the free codec Real Alternative. Choose from a range of commercial displays, enterprise mobility solutions and solar modules providing specialised solutions for a range of business types.

Have discovered many others with the problem as well, including Pioneer and Lite On drives. CD Recording Tests 9. Explore our complete collection of LG electronics, mobile devices, appliances and home entertainment solutions -- and find everything you need to connect with your friends and family, no matter where they are.

Note that by opening the drive, one would render the guarantee void, so we advise against it.

Find commercial appliances and electronics from LG for your business and help make life good. Contact LG US Get your questions answered about product setup, dvfram and care, repair and maintenance issues.

Where can I find a driver for it?

LG GSA 4167B Super-Multi - DVD±RW (±R DL) / DVD-RAM drive - IDE Series Specs

DVD Recording Tests No results were found. Please try our online ChatEmailor Call services. The drive uses the well known RPC II region control, allowing a user to change the drive's region at most 5 times. Hi Did you ever find a place to download the cd? Designed with you in mind, LG products offer innovative solutions dvddam make life good. No drivers are needed. In the ensuing pages, we will take a thorough look among other things, at the reading capabilities of the new LG B, as well as its error correction mechanism and writing quality.

There is no recent product. Great, that worked, [B]Thank you very much!!! Skip to Contents Skip to Accessibility Help. Why do you want to use DL10 anyway? Leave this field blank.


Need drivers etc myself. Would be not legal IMHO.

Also, the gray bottom has been replaced by a white one. A caution I would give to buyers of new drives: The front panel of the B drive at first glance is more or less a typical LG one.

Remove From My Forums. Windows Vista Hardware https: LG Business offers solutions for hotels, restaurants, offices, shops and more, keeping them comfortable, secure and stylish. A little more clarification: Samsung's Next Smartphone foray: I guess the next step is unistall Windows Media 11 and Real Player, and installing them again. We received the drive with firmware version DL10as it can be seen in the screen below, and we flashed it to the latest revision, the DL

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